I am not a person with enough patience to read novels.Many times,I have ended up buying novels but have never completed them.So just gave a try reading this novel and i realised that i am getting addicted to it badly.I badly wanted to finish this book and know what happens at the end.In spite of my busy schedule i have successfully finished reading the novel.

Mitch Albom really put a brilliant ending to this masterpiece.
To learn that all of our life stories are related in one way or another and that we need to fill in the holes of our pain and suffering through going back to our past is a magnificent thing. Yet it brings me to the idea of mystery which a lot of people hesitate and some are even reluctant to investigate.
Heaven or life after death is interpreted here as a place where the mysteries of your life is clarified. It is where the process of “resting in peace” takes place. And all it took were a few people and one’s own life story for the purpose of heaven to work for Eddie.

Favourite Quotes:
"..Lost love is still love,Eddie.."
"Life has to end...Love doesnt"

Favourite Character(In Heaven):